Immune Boost Blend - PureDropIV - Mobile IV Therapy




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Maximum Immunity & Revitalization

Whether preparing to travel, returning from travel, starting to feel sick, or recovering from being sick, this infusion of Vitamin C, Zinc, B-12 and B-complex should help give the immune system what it needs to fight back.

INGREDIENTS: IV Fluids, Electrolytes, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B12 and B-Complex


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Maximum Immunity & Revitalization

Whether preparing to travel, returning from travel, starting to feel sick, or recovering from being sick, this infusion of Vitamin C, Zinc, B-12 and B-complex should help give the immune system what it needs to fight back.

INGREDIENTS: IV Fluids, Electrolytes, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B12 and B-Complex


Ingredients: IV Fluids, Electrolytes, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B12 and B-Complex

  • Vitamin Magnesium vial



  • Vitamin Taurine vial


    Athletic Performance

  • Vitamin Glutathione vial



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Vitamin Taurine vial

Taurine Shot

100mg - $20
(non-member pricing shown)

Elevate your athletic performance and energy. Deficiencies can result in vision changes, weight gain, kidney issues, depression, and anxiety.
Vitamin Taurine vial


100mg - $20
(non-member pricing shown)

Boost athletic performance and energy levels with this vital amino acid. Deficiencies are vision changes, weight gain, kidney issues, depression, and anxiety.
Vitamin Magnesium vial


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(non-member pricing shown)

Elevate your health with this vital electrolyte! Boost neurological function, muscle recovery and relaxation while avoiding cramps, spasms, and fatigue.
PureDropIV - Mobile-IV-Therapy

Immune Boost IV Treatment

Whether you have the flu, a cold, or another medical condition, getting sick can knock you off your feet for days. What’s more, infection increases the demand for vitamins and nutrients in your body.

Still, hydration is critical to recovery, but it’s not always a walk in the park to drink plenty of fluids when sick. You can stay ahead of infections with drip immune boost therapy.

An Immunity Boost IV supplies your body with the vitamins, potent antioxidants, and hydration needed to accelerate recovery and boost your immunity.

Additionally, our specially formulated cocktail stimulates collagen, slowing down skin aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles and leaving your skin youthful and radiant. You can have our immune drip boost treatment delivered at your desired location, so you enjoy its benefits most conveniently.


Ingredients in Immune Boost

Our immune boost intravenous package is designed to enhance your immune system with valuable nutrients and hydration.

Even if you feel perfectly healthy, boosting the antioxidant levels in your body can help you stay ahead of common infections, such as cold and flu.

Immune Boost IV drip contains:

  • IV fluids: Ensures there’s enough fluid in your body to supply oxygen to your blood cells and keep body systems working properly. The solutions also help eliminate toxins in your body before they accumulate and weaken your immune system.
  • Vitamin C: It stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are our immune fighting warriors. Your body also needs vitamin C to synthesize collagen, a vital structural component of skin, ligaments, bones, and blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B12: It helps with red blood cell and white blood cell formation, anemia prevention, energy boost, and mood improvement.
    B-Complex Vitamins: Comprises eight B vitamins that directly impact your cell metabolism, brain function, and energy levels.
  • Zinc: It strengthens your immune system, boosts your metabolic function, and helps with wound healing.



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